SEO training from Bangladesh most effective for Bangladeshi student. For this thinking we provide seo training with professional trainer. After discus all details need clear idea about seo. So what is seo? Full meaning of seo “search engine optimization” You main target is that optimize your site on google, yahoo, bing etc and try to come first position on google. If your site come first position on google so than automatically come first position on bing yahoo. I think someone ask me what is google? Have a simple answer of this question google is the most powerful search engine in the world. If you want to know more any think like news, information, data information so then you use google. What is the main aim of seo? Main aim of seo come first position on google. Why people done seo? They done seo job for come first position on google as soon as possible and when their site come first position than they can get a lot of traffic that help to promote their product on the world people. Some companies provide SEO training from Bangladesh you can receive their training. But check first their profile. So I hope now you can understand that what is seo? Now I share to all how many kind
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SEO In Bangladesh |
SEO > On page SEO > Off page SEO
of seo work have in online?
On page Seo :-
>Keyword recharge
>Create mete tag
>Submit site on google
>Submit site bing
>Submit site yahoo
>Google webmaster tool
>Bing webmaster tool
>Google Analytic tool
>Sitemap creation
On page seo:- On page seo must need for a site. You can’t do any think without on page seo. So here all details about on page seo.
Keyword recharge: - When you think to make a site then chose some effective keywords for your site first time. Because it is most important part of seo. Google adword is the best platform. You can choose some attractive keyword from there. But remember one think never chose high competition keyword first time. It is not good for your site. Check all keyword cpc rates. Chose some low competition keywords but must need high cpc rate.
Creation meta tag:- Create meta tag for your site. Create meta tag and submit on the head tag. When meta tag pasting is end then need check it. So now press control + u then you can watch your meta tag pasting complete.
Submit site on google:- After submit your site on google must need 15 new and exclusive article on your site. Then your site is ready for submit google. When your submission is end then you wait 24 hour. Passing 24 hour write full address of your site and press enter. If your submission is success so then now you can watch you site. Google, Bing, Yahoo same process. We provide Seo training from Bangladesh if you have curiosity about our training courses so don’t be late contact with us.
Submit site bing/yahoo:- Submission site on bing & yahoo same but there need a Microsoft and yahoo account. Because you can’t submit site on bing without Microsoft account. And yahoo account must need when you submit sit on yahoo.
Google Analytic too:- This tool get us idea about traffic. It is so important part of seo. You visit google analytic tool and submit you site than you can get clear idea about you site traffic. Watch this video I hope you submit your site properly and get full idea about your site traffic.
Add sitemap:- When you submit your site on google webmaster tool then create a sitemap from xml sitemap and submit it on google webmaster tool. When sitemap publish complete than google start crawling your site url.
When on page optimization is complete now you can think about off page seo. It is a long time process. Because if you done off page seo for you site continuously. So google like your site and you can stay top position on google.
Off page seo:- Off page seo must need for improve a site page rank. Generally client provides you off page seo job. Like
>Back link
>Social Bookmarking
>Forum posting
>Directory submission
You can start seo practice but at first you need a web site for practice seo. So you can create a free web site from blogger. It is a very simple process like PPC but not like data entry. So be careful.
Back link:- What is back link? I know it is a very simple question. Back link is a incoming link of your site. You can do more and more back link for your site. That is effective for your site. How done back link watch our tutorial. You can learn from here. But now I want to give some idea about back link. 2 many kind of back link have on seo tram. 1) do follow back link. 2) No follow back link
Client generally wants do follow back link. Because it is need for a web site. I publish some exclusive high pr backlink site list. That is effective for you.
Social Bookmarking:- It is also an important part of seo. You must bookmark your site url with other site. Can follow my social bookmarking related post for find out 1000 plus Social bookmark site list. You can submit social bookmarking just one click. But you need install add this software on your computer for that. Forum posting like that.
Forum posting:- Read this post for learn forum posting. So don’t want your time. Read and learn how done forum posting job.
Directory submission:- Directory submission is not free process. Need pay money for this work so I think it is not comfortable for beginner. When you become old in online marketplace then think about directory submission.
If you think to receive professional Seo training from Bangladesh so join now. We provide free class for poor and brilliant student.
Useful stuff. Thanks for sharing. Here I came to know some more important facts about SEO
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